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G Suite Sync For Microsoft Outlook For Mac

Since you are here, I am going to assume that you are looking equip Microsoft Outlook with Gmail accounts. You may be also wondering how to setup your G Suite for Education or Google Apps for Education email to work with Microsoft Outlook. Before we start, let’s take a look at why someone would want to add their gmail accounts to Microsoft Outlook.

Why use Microsoft Outlook with Gmail, Google Apps or G Suite Accounts?

There are many benefits to setting up Outlook with Gmail, here are just a few of the many awesome reasons why you would want to do this.

1. You can manage multiple email accounts using Microsoft Outlook
2. You have so much more flexibility with an Email program, such as dragging and dropping a picture or an attachment to the email to be sent out.
3. You can create custom signatures for each of your accounts and manage them all in one place.
4. You don’t need to have internet connection to check the mail that is already downloaded or cached to your inbox.

With CompanionLink for Google, it is easy and fast to automatically sync from Microsoft Outlook to G-Suite Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Install CompanionLink on your PC or Mac; Set Google Credentials. Set your Outlook Folder; From this point, sync is fully automatic. Every change you make in Outlook Calendar goes to G-Suite Calendar, and every change you make in G-Suite Calendar goes to.

  1. Export the data from Outlook as a PST file and then import it using the import data when you install GSSMO option or use G Suite Migration for Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Aug 18, 2020.
  3. You can sync your Google Calendar to the Outlook desktop app for Mac by adding your Google account and PC by importing your calendar. You can also sync your Google Calendar to your Outlook.com account. If you have a paid G Suite account, you can use the G Suite Sync for Microsoft Outlook tool.

Most work places use a combination of Gmail web access as well as Gmail access via Microsoft Outlook.
At my work place, I find that it isn’t always so easy to add your gmail account to Microsoft Outlook not at least for the average computer user.

In this article, I will show you how anyone can setup their personal Gmail, Google Apps for Education or G Suite email to work with Outlook. Microsoft Outlook gives you 2 options for setting up your Email box: One method is via POP3 and other via IMAP.

So what is the difference between POP3 and IMAP?

POP3 (Post Office Protocol) works through port 995 and IMAP works through port 993. These terms can be sometimes confusing for the user. By opting to use POP3 you are basically saying to the server,
I am using my own program such as Microsoft Outlook to read my mail so download all my mail from the server to my computer to be read. The server then downloads your incoming mail to your computer to be read offline. Some mail servers will then delete the server copy of your email so then you wouldn’t have access to it from another location. How to delete a blank page in word for mac. Although with Gmail, you can opt to keep a copy of your mail on the server or automatically mark it as read.

Google Sync Outlook

Here is the typical POP3 workflow:

G Suite Sync For Microsoft Outlook For Mac
  • access server
  • grab all mail
  • store new mail on local machine (takes up local disk space)
  • prune the server copy (except for gmail which has an option to keep a copy on the server as well)
  • terminate connection

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) allows you to cache mail from the server to your local computer to be accessed via outlook. This is great because then you can acess the mail server from multiple devices.
However, if you delete a mail on your computer, it will delete that mail from the server as well. So they kind of work in sync with each other you could say. The benefit of using IMAP
is that all your devices will stay in sync with your mail server. You don’t have to worry about backup or loosing all the mail that was downloaded to a single machine.
With IMAP all of your edits, drafts etc. stay in sync through out all devices.

Sims 4 get famous mods. Here is the typical IMAP workflow:

  • access mail server
  • grab mail content as per user’s request and cache it locally
  • update any changes such as edits, drafts, deletes etc.
  • terminate connection

Google Suite Outlook Sync

Today, with the growing number of personal devices, most people go with IMAP in order to access their mail. I also suggest that you select IMAP as it is the newer technology standard for delivering Email.

Enough of the tech Mumbo Jumbo! show me how its done!

Setup Outlook to Access Gmail via IMAP

First you will need to login to your Gmail account from a web browser and then go into settings (usually a circular gear icon to the far right) as shown above. There you will click on the forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. File buddy 10 0. Since we will be using IMAP, we will start with disabling POP. In the IMAP access section, be sure to check “enable IMAP”.

This article assumes that you already have a version of Microsoft Office installed on your computer. Open up Microsoft Outlook and go to file then add account.

Click “Manual setup or additional server types” > select POP or IMAP. Fill out your name and information and be sure to choose IMAP from the drop down menu. Here is a sample image I’ve took for tutorial purposes. You would pretty much replace the name, email and password field with your own and leave the server settings alone.

Be sure to use your full email address for the username field especially if you are using a G Suite for education or work account. Now click on more settings and click on the advanced tab. Here you will input the following settings as shown below.

We will then also edit the Outgoing Server tab. You should check “my outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication and to use the same settings as my incoming mail server” here. You can now click OK How much storage does macbook pro have. to save changes. Be sure to click “Test Account Settings” before clicking next.

now hope and pray that everything checks out! If everything worked out, click next to finish.

That’s it!! now you are all setup to use Microsoft Outlook as your Email handler for your personal Gmail or G Suite for Education and G Suite for Work Gmail account. You can now repeat these steps to add multiple Gmail accounts to Microsoft Outlook and manage them all in one place.

If you are having connection issues, be sure to thoroughly check all of your settings and ports. Be sure to read through Google’s own guide to setting up email software such as Outlook with Gmail – IMAP for Email. You may still need to find out some information from your IT department if the above steps didn’t work for you.

For example, Is port 993 open on your network to access Gmail via SSL? Is something blocking port 993 on your computer?

G Suite Sync For Microsoft Outlook For Mac
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